Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sherie and I joined the Action for Children staff for a in Masulita, a village outside Kampala, where AFC has a school. Although the children are still on holiday from school, parents, grandparents and children were already there when we arrived. Today's activity included clearing land for a garden and making bricks for additional classrooms. There are already two school houses, a gazebo-like structure, a kitchen and a house on the property and the bricks will be used to expand one of the two school houses.

We had a lot of fun! It has been many years since either of us got to make mud pies and making bricks reminded me of playing with my mother's pie pans after a heavy rain. The process is to use a large hoe to hack off part of a dirt bank, pour some water on it, stomp on it like grapes for wine (see picture -- can you imagine working in mud in a skirt?), pile the squishy mud into a large beehive, then punch the mud into a brick mold (see picture -- don't you love the hat made from banana leaves?). Once the brick is released from the mold, rows of bricks are layered with banana leaves to dry. In about a week, the bricks will be fired and ready to use.

While we were making bricks, Lydia, the AFC Director, was working with the children on drawings. Our main art project starts tomorrow.


Larry Carter said...

Thanks for the blog updates katie. Great way to stay connected. Sounds like your trip is going well. Blessings

Larry Carter

Missy Dolan said...

Your pictures are amazing, thanks! Please keep them coming. I wish I were with you. It's snowing here and was 29 degrees this am so enjoy the warmth! It looks beautiful there.
Love, Missy

Unknown said...

Mom - Are the linens outside of your bedroom still waiting to go to Goodwill? I saw my bag of clothes sitting there, still. - Son

Mary Dolan said...

Hi Katie,
The pictures are fantastic! I am glad the trip seems to be going well - can't wait to hear more. Keep safe while doing good. :-)

Dave Taylor said...


Am enjoying your posts and pix. Just remember these two simple words...."no parasites"...

Keep on blogging...


Unknown said...

Hey Katie,
Just took my first look at your blog. I am impressed and excited for you! Keep writing, we will be checking in.
Love Barb and family