Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sipi Falls

Jolly, her daughter Lois, James, Sherie and I arrived at Sipi Falls in eastern Uganda on Friday evening. Sheri and I shared one hut (see picture), Jolly and Lois shared another, and James got a room to himself. When we woke on Saturday, we had breakfast (a plate of passion fruit, orange, watermellon, banana, and pineapple, a glass of passion fruit juice, African and English tea, French press coffee, and a bowl of corn porridge), then went on a hike with our guide, Kenneth.

From the Sipi Falls Resort, where we were staying, we could see the lower of the 3 Sipi Falls. We hiked to the other two falls and to a cave where the ancestors of local residents used to live before houses. The hike took 3 hours, most of which was uphill, to reach the third waterfall and our lunch destination (3rd waterfall in distance in picture). Our return only took one hour.

The loop we took for our hike brought us through plantations of bananas, coffee, castor (yes, castor oil comes from a seed pod of a tree. My grandmother used to make me take castor oil to prevent carsickness when I was a kid and I think it worked because I got sick before getting into the car instead of while traveling) and fields of tomatoes and cabbages. What originally looked liked farm land was really filled with huts and people. We walked through people's yards, passing their chickens, cows, goats and children. We came across people bathing, cooking, working in the fields, and making the local beer out of bananas. If I understood correctly, corn flower is cooked with water (see picture), then ferment for about 7 days, after which a special variety of bananas is added. We saw several groups of men sitting in a circle drinking brew out of a communal pot with long straws. The beer looks like a thin porridge and has a very high alcohol level.

People were very gracious to us. We always asked before taking any pictures and respected anyone's wishes if they did not want a picture taken.


Unknown said...

Hi Katie - I like the part about you wandering through peoples lifestyles while on your hike. We are getting snow here - I hope Jack is not snowed in at the A-Frame - the weather has been pretty scary. I tried to go to Newberg yesterday and had a spin around in my burly Suburban. Came back home instead. The tree in front of Annie and Andy's house was not lucky when Andy tried to get into their garage....... So are you loving the heat, or is it too much? Hope your boots are still comfy - seems like you have been using them a lot.

Bye! Kal

Anonymous said...

Hello love - Randy and Cindy Carrier are having their annual winetasting party this weekend and i sure wish I could bring some of that corn/banana hootch along with me.

I am glad you got to get out and do some hiking. I look forward to seeing more pictures.

I did get home okay from Annie's house Karen, but only because I left as soon as it started to snow heavily on Sunday. It was very very slippery.

Anonymous said...

Banana beer? What's the alcohol content? Lex

Anonymous said...

Which type of hops was used in the beer? Bring home a 6 pack!