Sunday, January 13, 2008

I have said my good-bye's and leave Portland tomorrow. The flights from Portland to Seattle, Seattle to London (Heathrow), then London to Entebbe, Uganda will take 2 days -- thank goodness Missy gave me a new book to read on the plane. I will be meeting my friend, Sherie, in Entebbe. Sherie's flight arrives 10 hours before me and we have booked a ride into Kampala for Wednesday afternoon. Getting used to the Ugandan currency will take some getting used to. The shuttle into Kampala costs about 50,000/=, which is equivalent to $30. I'm not even sure what their currency is called yet, so I have a lot to learn.

My three bags are all at the maximum weight limit (50 lb. each) and are filled with art supplies, medicines and gifts. I'll have to buy clothes once I get there because there was little room for personal items. I understand that pants on women are frowned upon outside of the national parks, so it may be a good thing that I'll be buying clothes as I only have winter-weight skirts in my closet and the weather in Uganda will be equivalent to our summers.

We have been reading a lot about the political strife in Kenya and the impact on Uganda, such as high fuel prices. I am anxious to find out what that will mean to our project. More on that later. In the meantime, I leave in 20 hours and am SO EXCITED!


Anonymous said...

Have a great adventure Katie. I know you have only been gone a day or so, but I wanted you to know we have not had a kitchen fire... yet.

Sharon H said...

Katie: I am really excited for you. Have a spectacular trip!

Sharon Hogan